This event was a fantastic success with over 70 juniors playing with the course set up at appropriate lengths to suit everyone’s ability making it as fun as possible. The standard of golf was of a very high level.
The Results from the 2nd Rd of JGTI held in Cork were.
- U18 A.O’Connell
- U16 1st R.Dineen, 2nd E.Ahern.
- U14 1st C.Meade, 2ndJ.De Nijis, 3rd B.Meaney.
- U12 1st F.Looney 2nd R.Hayes, 3rd Cathal O,Sullivan
- … U10 1st E.Magill, 2nd I. Winn, 3rd J. Healy.
- U8 1stW. Whitley O’callaghan 2nd D.Murphy O’Callaghan, D.O,Regan
- U6 1st S Rutledge, 2nd S.McDonald.
- Girls 1st J.Cherenshey,2nd J. Cherenshey 3rd K.Casey