American coaching trip

Great experience this week Wayne visiting the sea island performance centre with his good friend Justin Parsons and sitting in on a session with Davis Love learning a lot how he approaches the game all his life from swing thoughts superstitions he has like winning the players championship when weather turned bad he put on a rain jacket and go on a birdie run only for the sun to come out and was 28 degrees he was sweating with the jacket but kept it on as he didn’t want to change anything and went on to win. He was working on standing closer and getting hands higher as it reduced his tendency to hook the ball and he was over coming a wrist injury and the higher hands didn’t give his any pain. He still is long driver club speed of 113mph at 58 years old. Lots of stuff to take into lessons going forward. Also got to meet Dr Mo coach to Zac Johnson, Stewart Sink among countless others and got a fantastic insight into the mental side of the game and the 4 R’s which I will share with my students and help get you ready for competitive and friendly games so that you get the most out of your game. see you at the golf centre from tomorrow. Wayne